Други конгрес офталмолога Републике Српске са међународним учешћем -

Други конгрес офталмолога Републике Српске са међународним учешћем

1 - 3.6.2017.

ms Jelena Stankovic

Датум рођења: 26.11.1976. год.

Радно мјесто: Teaching assistant

Обрaзовaње/стручнa спремa

2000/2006 Postgraduate studies Faculty of Economics, Belgrade (Serbia)
- Master Thesis: Mathematical Models of Multi-criteria Optimization in Business Decision Making
1995/1999 Faculty of Economics, Niš (Serbia) 
1991/1995 High school diploma ”Svetozar Marković”, Niš (Serbia)

Professional experience:
2004/present day Faculty of Economics, Niš (Serbia), one more subject added
- TA for subject Financial Mathematics 
2000/present day Faculty of Economics, Niš (Serbia)
- TA for subject Operational Research


2002/2005 Project: “Economic efficiency of enterprise development strategies in market economy – possibilities and improving methods”, project No.1406 financed by the Ministry of science, technologies and development, Republic of Serbia
2002/2005 Project: “Realization of the dimensions of enterprises management in Serbia in the conditions of globalization and liberalization“, project No.1908 financed by the Ministry of science, technologies and development, Republic of Serbia

Participation in international projects

Foreign countries experiences:
2005 Workshop: “International Trade Finance and Financing the Companies Growth”, organized by RESEGE (Reseau d’Europe du Sud-est pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Enterprises/South East European Network for Management Education), Timsoara, Romania, June 13-17.
2005 Workshop: “The Communication Situation as a Pedagogical Tool to Teach Management Course”, organized by RESEGE (Reseau d’Europe du Sud-est pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Enterprises/South East European Network for Management Education), Chisinau, Moldova, April 4-8.
1998 Student Trainee ( AIESEC Program ) in “SIEMENS”, Bern ( Switzerland), 4 weeks trainee
1998 Student Trainee (AIESEC Program) in “COMAS”, Treviso (Italy), 8 weeks trainee
1997 Student Trainee ( AIESEC Program) in “SIEMENS.”, Munich (Germany),10 weeks trainee 



Датум измјене: 24.01.2014.

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